ECO CHIC Good Clean Green Fun
I grew up with a mother who took my two sisters and I to school on a bicycle. She treated most ailments with a hot water bottle and spoon full of caster oil. For a clean house all she needed was vinegar and elbow grease ! Central heating was a luxury and synthetic fabrics forbidden, which was totally frustrating for a tiny teenage fashionista back in the 80’s. I was the last to see the Fonze, Abba and Mork and Mindy because there was no television, we played in the woods and in the fields accompanied by the family dogs. My mother cooked everything from scratch, gathering our veggies from the allotments my father and grandfather had. She wasn’t even a hippy, just old fashioned and now these simple old ways are our modern ways to stay healthy.
I realize how lucky I was, as I watch my mother run her farm, alone, at the young age of 80. I am so proud of her.
I dream about installing a full solar system in the Inn or making the switch to a hybrid car. For now, Far Out Inn takes smaller steps in our daily routine. We have an impact just being here on our planet, let’s try to make it a good one and be eco chic.
We go green on the daily in these 14 easy ways, that you can do too.
1. Line dry your linens. Make them last longer with out the harsh heat of a dryer.For the freshest sheets, scent them with essential oils, mixed with water in a spray bottle.
2. Take a sturdy wicker baskets to the markets instead of plastic bags.
3. Store your dry foods in re purposed glass jars.
4. Here is our secret cleaning weapon, baking soda and white wine vinegar. FACT Pollution can be 2-5 times higher in your home, then outside because of all the chemicals in the products you buy. Brands we use are: Dr. Bronner and Mrs. Myers cleaning supplies and personal use products. Use a good stiff brush and micro fiber cloths. Damp-wiping with a microfiber dust cloth is also a good way to clean allergens from the home.
5. Only take the car when leaving town, otherwise walk, travel by bus or car pool in blabla car.
6. Being able to share is uber important to us, we give our space for free to all local artists to use for gallery space, videos and photo shoots.
7. Recycle the cans and plastic. Use old glass jars to store dried goods. Save paper and cardboard for the fire.
8. Switch to energy efficient bulbs, when the old bulbs die.
9. Buy used! Take old furniture and have fun bringing it to life.
10. Eat Local. The Inn serves 70% local, organic produce at our breakfasts, this year we aim for this to be 100%. Keep the freezer full, for fresher food land less energy usage.
11. Be aware of what makes you happy. Happiness is associated with health and well-being, focus on sustainable happiness. Exercising, listening to music, meditating, eating healthy foods and being kind to one another.
12. Clean the air with house plants. Make one a gratitude tree. Family and friends are invited to hang tags on its branches, inscribed with anything that they feel a deep appreciation for at that time.
13. We don’t do TV’s we have wifi but encourage talking to one another, making new friends, playing outside, sports and seeing the local area.
14. I brought 2 rescue dogs with me from Hawaii, I think that counts as eco chic. LOL
Photos ; top - Bed linens and cushion covers we made from vintage fabrics. ( please buy organic cotton to save thousands of lives in India - see our facebook page for a video ) Below -Kat painting a vintage armoire.